De Backer Koen

Long distance racing pigeons in Hoevenen-Antwerp

Results 2014

Unlike 2013, 2014 was a year with a lot of head wind, sometimes with some East, sometimes some West, but a hard year for the pigeons. In the opening weekend on Bourges & Limoges were not succesfull, maybe because I only raced 2x 368km before the nationals.

We only count the +700km races, but when the races are 1100m/m, they also need to be there on +500km races. That wasn't the fact, so that was no good.

Season 2014 is finished, and only 14 birds will stay on te loft, added with youngsters 2014, to have a new team for 2015. What will stay?

14 pigeons, 5 of them are hens, the other ones cocks. 8 of 2013, 5 of 2012 and 1 of 2009. In 2014 I chose to play total widowhood with hens and cocks, but that didn't work out well. In the future, I will have 2 lofts with classic widowhood and 1 loft with hens on the nest. I'll try to have the partner of the hens at home, expect 4pc. Thet will also have some middle distance races in preparation of Barcelona.

Overview of the results 2014 above 600km:

31/5 Limoges 1417p: 101, 233, 242 & 3/9
14/6 Poitiers 1575p: 290 & 1/8
14/6 Cahors 725p: 164, 165 & 2/5
27/6 Bordeaux 585p: 80 & 1/2
11/7 St Vincent 359p: 111 & 1/3
19/7 Brive 485p: 40, 103 & 2/2

14/6 Poitiers 2011p: 168, 360, 373, 490, 552, 569, 570, 607, 653 & 9/26
27/6 Bordeaux 413p: 5, 29 & 2/5
4/7 St Vincent 472p: 44, 103 & 2/3
7/7 Limoges 634p: 163 & 1/6
19/7 Brive 472p: 47, 153 & 2/7

Some races were ok, others were not... but it happens everywhere I think? Tha bad results for some cocks where maybe my own fault. The motivation wasn't that good.

Towards 2015, I will change that, and hopefully with a positive effect on the results. During the next weeks, I'll have my selection at the young birds.